
Office of Accessibility

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Office of Student Services Contact:  Michelle Rodewald
Office of Accessibility/ADA Services:   440-357-7542

There are a number of differences in ADA services provisions as you enter the post-secondary education environment. Auburn Career Center follows the guidelines set forth by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that prohibits the discrimination on the basis of a disability. Based in the Office of Civil Rights all levels of education are required to provide academic “adjustments or accommodation based on individual’s documented “needs”. The responsibilities for post-secondary education differ significantly from K-12. Post-secondary education does not identify educational learning deficits and it is the student’s responsibility to self-disclose and provide the appropriate adult testing/diagnosis to the ADA office, (located in the Student Services Office).  Section 504/Title II   Rehabilitation Act 1973

It is highly suggested, before you begin your educational journey, that you contact the Office of Accessibility (ADA/Disabilities Services Office)  regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA). It take some time to gather the necessary documentation to have your accommodation or academic adjustments for a career school, college or university environment.  The key to not losing precious classroom instruction, testing and hands-on learning is early preparation. Upon registration/admissions or before the WorkKeys admission testing.

  • To request Disability Accommodations YOU will need the following information:
  • Diagnosis of your disability
  • Supporting Documentation
  • Testing
  • Qualifying information how your disability affects major life activities, ie: you academic performance
  • Recommendations for appropriate educational adjustments (accommodations)
  • Credentials of the diagnosing professional(s)
  • The adult testing needs to be administered by a qualified psychiatrist, psychologist, or practitioner/diagnostician licensed to evaluate adult learning disabilities
  • Student bears the responsibility for financial charges for testing and evaluation
  • Check with your insurance company to see what coverage they may provide

Documentation cannot be older than 2-years old. If older than 2-years then updated testing will need to be presented for review and consideration.

Service provisions are based on the diagnosis and recommendations of the diagnostician.  Ancillary services may not be appropriate for Auburn Programs. Many of the Auburn classes are hands-on learning and students are required to demonstrate knowledge and expertise with in the classroom and lab settings.

Auburn is not required to lower coursework standards for assignments, grades, attendance; though if appropriate, extended time for tests, and assignments may be provided. Contact the ADA office located in the Student Services Office as soon as possible to ensure provision are available for student success.

For Your Information please feel free to seek additional information on the following websites.

Introduction to ADA

Section 504 - Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Protecting Students with Disabilities (Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights)

What if I feel the school has not provided appropriate services?

  • Contact the Student Services office/ Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Laura “B” Barwidi to further discuss your personal situation.
  • Refer to the Student Handbook for how to file a grievance with administration office.

If you still have questions about a viable resolutions, you may opt to contact:

Office of Civil Rights, Customer Services Team
U. S. Department of Education
Washington,  D.C.  20202-1100
Phone:  800-421-3481
TDD:      877-521-2172
Email: http://[email protected]/ocr

For additional information on Section 504 you may refer to the OCR website

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